
Korean Travel Online - Hotel Apps for your Smartphone

Some of the major hotel apps include Agoda, Expedia, and
We downloaded these three apps to try them out and here are a few screenshots:


Option to change the currency, instead of country. Language remains English.
Search by city, and use the sort and filter to narrow down results.

Sort options include sorting by popularity, by rating, by review, by name, and by price.

Filter options by district to narrow results

Once you have selected a hotel, you can choose your room type and proceed with the payment.


Once you change the country in the settings, the app's language setting changes too. There is no option to use the app in English while using a different currency.
Dear Expedia, not everyone in South Korea read Korean, you know.

Filters include price, distance, and rating. After selecting a hotel, you can find the room options in the next screen.

Choose a room type to calculate costs and proceed to Checkout to pay. (the best among the three, in our opinion)

The settings provide you with two options: English and the country's local language

Search hotels by city, and use Sort and Filter to narrow down the results.

Choose room type and click Book Now. This page also provides useful info and other links.



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